Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thanksgiving Vacation Day 1

We are back in business with the blog and now time to get caught up.

Thanksgiving Vacation started on Wednesday and the kids were already bored.  Off to the park to play and run off some of that extra energy every child seems to have.  A quick lunch a McDonald's and then play time at a park of their choice.  Of course leaving it up to them it included water.  After threats of getting wet and having to walk home afterwards was the only thing that kept them dry.

Let's catch dragonflies, wait it's to cold.  Let's catch snails instead.
Who has the most?
Why can't they play on the jungle gym instead of the stinky water?

Time to head home to hopefully get a few projects done before the big day.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm glad it worked out. I like keeping up with you guys.