Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The commercials have started for the summer season at Hogel Zoo with the grand opening of the polar bear habitat.  The kids kept asking when are we going or we want to see the bears.

Off we went our biggest mistake was planning be there early and beat the crowds.  Instead we were greeted to the long lines to park.  By 10:30 all the lots were full and people still waiting to get in.  Lucky for us Randy & Janelle found a spot near the golf course with open spots and a short walk.  Grandma JeanAnn found space "This is The Place State Park".  Our first stop was to the Polar Bears.  Again we were greeted by large crowds with even more strollers.  Can you see anything???

 Ryder had the best view.  Do you see anything?
 Grizzly Bears...Where is our lunch?
 Aunt Janelle & Baby Owen
Look at them flip over as they swim.
This is the best part all the different angels to watch these amazing animals.  
 Taking a break..Reganne & Owen 
They have added sitting areas for people to relax and watch the human zoo.  Someone needs to give these people a mirror from behind to see what they look like. We saw more crack, whale tails, and pudgy bellies that the animals looked normal in comparison.
 Let's make a craft.
They had a volunteer group making headbands and wristbands with the kids.  The guys were so eager to help the kids and talk to the kids.  It was a great break while waiting for the bird show to start.
 Waiting patiently
 Golden Eagle
 Time for the train ride...Partners Rylee & Holland
How big are we?

It was great day filled with sunshine, family, and wild animals.

Note to self next year get a later start.  Eat lunch and arrive at the zoo after 2:00.  As we were leaving to find food the animals started waking up and moving around.  The crowds thinned out.  We looked around and decided next year we will try a different game plan.  Time to eat.

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