Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Christmas Eve

We has such bad weather this week with rain and area rivers flooding. We weren't sure how Christmas would be this year. It dawned with sunshine and warmer weather. The kids were so excited for it too finally be here there wasn't going to be any peace around our house. I told the kids that they were suffering from Christmasitis. They were all naughtier today than any other day this year.

Finally, it started to grow dark outside and our Christmas Eve Dinner of Homemade Spagetti and Meatballs, Salad, and Garlic Bread was ready. Then off to the St George Temple Visitors Center and Grounds to look at the displays and hear the Christmas Story.

The kids listening to the story and lookin at the Nativity Scene.

St George Temple

It was then home from cookies, popcorn, and "A Christmas Story" the movie

Must put out the Reindeer Food

Do Reindeer really eat glitter???

Finally, off to bed in hope that Santa soon will arrive.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We put out reindeer food too. Only our note from school said to put it in the back yard so the Reindeer see the glitter and know where to land. Of course the kids had fun spreading it over the snow. We also set out cookies for Santa next to his key so he can get in our house. We don't have a chimney, so we put out the magic key. Fun times. I will miss our Elf on a shelf. He watches the kids and tells on them if they are naughty. How do I black mail them now?