Saturday, July 3, 2010

Why ????

Who knew that you could hate a simple word so much. I am so tired of the word WHY I could scream. Everywhere I turn this is the one word hear. From the time I wake up until I go to sleep it is ringing in my ears. I have read articles about this word and how wonderful it is when your child uses it. They are learning and will become smarted for using it. Maybe just maybe I don't want that smart of kids.
If it's not why then it's can I ask you a question? As soon as I answer one there is another right behind it. I found myself yelling back "Because I said so!"
Ryder was helphing or rather watching me cook dinner. Every sentence started with Why Mom? Dave snapped this picture as he was on his 20th at least why question. You can't see my face because I was trying to run away and hide.
I know understand the phrase "silence is golden" There wasn't a two year old or a 5 year old asking why.

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