Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday at Lowe's and The UFO

This week's project at Lowe's was building a UFO. Usually we pick them and take them home for Dad to build on Monday. Well, Dad is working the next two Mondays. I decided what the heck let's give it a try.
Ryder had his own ideas of how it should go together. He pounded a few nails into it and then came the stickers. Only after he was finished he looked around and discovered his wasn't quite right. He continued to work.
Rylee quietly looked around at what everyone else was doing. Opened her package, arranged all the parts, and then started to work.

Reganne ripped open her package and quickly started. By trial and error we built hers first.

St George is still a small town. Friends stopped by to help and offer advice. They knew building was not my forte. At the end everyone still had 10 fingers, toes and smiles on their faces.

We did it by ourselves!!

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