Sunday, March 2, 2008

We Are Happy & Growing

It is amazing to me how fast my kids are growing and changing almost daily.

Ryder loves to sit up or stand up when you are holding him. He loves to play with his toys and is getting really good at picking them up. Not so good at letting them go.

He can roll to his side (never onto his tummy) and watch everyone. That is until Reganne sees him and promptly pushes him back. She tells him no no baby you are to little. He then smiles back at her and tries again.
They love to have their picture taken. However, they fight over who gets to hold Ryder. He laughs the whole time until they get to rough. He will then spit up all over and they are quickly done with him.


Susan said...

Your kids are sooo cute. I recognize the blanket on the couch. I bet your mom made it. We have a similar one at our house.

Casey said...

Wow! What a cute bunch of kids you have! I'm so happy everyone is healthy and growing (really fast, I might add) and doing well. You're baby is adorable and your girls are precious. Have fun!