Sunday, March 9, 2008

Family Hair Night

Wow Look At All That Hair!!! We had a fun night on Friday. Rylee & Reganne decided to cut their hair short for the summer. Then they decided we would try and donate their hair to Locks Of Love. However, their hair wasn't long enough since they needed 10 inches. I found Pantene that takes donations for their Million Inches Campaign. They accept 8 inches as the minimum length. They then make the wigs and give them to the American Cancer Society. So their hair will not be wasted.

We also decided it was time for Ryder's first haircut. He is about 3 months behind the girls. They each had theirs cut at 3 months old. He was a real pro and never cried. He only wiggled at the end.


Susan said...

I can't believe how long the girls' hair was. My hair has never been that long. Probably because once it gets to a certain length it drives me crazy! I like their new haircut. They really cute.

Casey said...

What an awesome thing to do! I know that there are lots of cancer patients out there who are really grateful for those 8 inches.

Casey said...

What an awesome thing to do! I know that there are lots of cancer patients out there who are really grateful for those 8 inches.

The Biggs said...

way to go girls!!! i'm glad you were able to still donate the hair to someone who needed it. the cuts look adorable too!