Sunday, September 15, 2024

World of Craziness

Another busy week plus a whole lot of craziness. We are only a couple of weeks into summer and life isn't slowing down.

Crazy weather
I am not going to complain 64 degrees in the morning
Maybe a little chilly for some or refreshing for others.

Look who got a haircut!
Piper looks so different after getting groomed.
A whole lot less hair around the house.

A visit from the grand puppies.
Ranger sure loves all the toys.
He hasn't learned to share yet.

Ruston has been busy
working around the new house.

More work

Good work and a whole lot of sweat.
Dave & Ryder come in handy to help as well.

Dexter also got a haircut.
He is a little chilled with the crazy weather.
He loves to snuggle in a blanket.

I am ready for a slower weekend and a few naps sound good right now.

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