Sunday, September 8, 2024

Saturday Ride

Dave & Ryder planned a motorcycle ride for Saturday morning. I was having serious FOMO and begged to go along. I am sure it was not what they had planned and I now that it wasn't what I expected. We were off and riding. We finally arrived in Pine Valley all hot, sweaty, and a little tired.

Stopping for a drink.
Thank goodness it was a cheat day for me.
I got a Coke.

We all have helmet head.

Beautiful scenery

Found a Friend!!
Jodie from work was camping and stopped to say hi.

Ryder's bike chewed through the gas.
He is so grown up taking care
his own gas.

Fun Selfie
We all survived the ride.

It was a fun way to start the weekend. I am stiff and sore from sitting in the same position for at least an hour. My arms are really sore from gripping the bars way too tightly. Hopefully, they will let me ride along again on their next ride.

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