Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trying Something New. . . Sourdough

The 90 Day Challenge has really challenged me with eating no sugar or artificial sugars for 6 days a week. One of the recipes shared in our signal group was Soft Discard Sourdough Rolls using honey or maple syrup as a replacement for sugar. They looked so yummy I couldn't resist giving a try. The whole sourdough starter blew my mind so instead of starting from scratch. Ashlynn shared one with me.

Let's start this adventure!

Healthy starter

All mixed and ready for the first rise.
My house is a little too cold to start the process.
We don't lack for heat in St. George.
Outside on the balcony is the perfect spot.

Looks good?

Don't have a round pan
a jelly roll pan as a replacement?

Flat Rolls
Maybe the pan had too much space?

3rd attempt
Nice and fluffy!!

Peanut Butter Granola Bars
Just as yummy as the first time.

Things I am taking notes for next time. Watch how much flour I use, time the first rise to avoid over doing it, and finally not to use to big of a pan. One question remains that needs some research is to avoid them from turning crumbly after the first day. Any ideas?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

World of Craziness

Another busy week plus a whole lot of craziness. We are only a couple of weeks into summer and life isn't slowing down.

Crazy weather
I am not going to complain 64 degrees in the morning
Maybe a little chilly for some or refreshing for others.

Look who got a haircut!
Piper looks so different after getting groomed.
A whole lot less hair around the house.

A visit from the grand puppies.
Ranger sure loves all the toys.
He hasn't learned to share yet.

Ruston has been busy
working around the new house.

More work

Good work and a whole lot of sweat.
Dave & Ryder come in handy to help as well.

Dexter also got a haircut.
He is a little chilled with the crazy weather.
He loves to snuggle in a blanket.

I am ready for a slower weekend and a few naps sound good right now.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Happy Father's Day

It's time to celebrate Dave for the day!! Lunch @ Chuck A Rama,  treats, and a few gifts thrown in as well. 

Relaxing in his favorite chair.

Rylee's t-shirt gift
He will wear it proudly.

Ranger came for a visit as well.
He found a comfy spot to take a nap.

It was a great day to celebrate the main man of our family. We all hope he takes the time to enjoy his motorcycle before it gets too hot.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Saturday Ride

Dave & Ryder planned a motorcycle ride for Saturday morning. I was having serious FOMO and begged to go along. I am sure it was not what they had planned and I now that it wasn't what I expected. We were off and riding. We finally arrived in Pine Valley all hot, sweaty, and a little tired.

Stopping for a drink.
Thank goodness it was a cheat day for me.
I got a Coke.

We all have helmet head.

Beautiful scenery

Found a Friend!!
Jodie from work was camping and stopped to say hi.

Ryder's bike chewed through the gas.
He is so grown up taking care
his own gas.

Fun Selfie
We all survived the ride.

It was a fun way to start the weekend. I am stiff and sore from sitting in the same position for at least an hour. My arms are really sore from gripping the bars way too tightly. Hopefully, they will let me ride along again on their next ride.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wild Start to Summer

Life continues to move at what seems like warp speed. The biggest change it that instead of school every morning for Ryder. He is off to work at 7:45 or even earlier depending on what he needs to do. 

Check out our craziness....

Homemade granola bars (sugar free)
Not too bad honey & peanut butter are always
a good combo.
Sweet treat for all 3 of us.

Alternative to a lawn mower?
Ruston sent the family a text.
Not sure if he is serious or. not.

Summer is heating up
I would say this is a little early.
Had a memory popup from a couple of years ago
Same day same temp!!

Luck or Miracle
This tire blew apart on I-15
headed into the Gorge. Dave & Ryder headed to Las Vegas to sell Ryder's Corvette.
Able to pull off to the side of the road, unload the Corvette, and continue on.
Definitely a Miracle!!!

Cheat Day Sundae
Brownies, vanilla ice cream, and homemade hot fudge!!
Can you say yum!!! A perfect treat to cheat.

Guess who or what made this mess?
Miss Indy
If you lock her in the back by the water.
She drowns the whole area with what ever what is left.
Her & Ranger came for a visit on Saturday afternoon.

Another treat try
and another treat failure.
No bake cookies with Stevia instead of sugar.
Ryder's opinion STOP trying to ruin the treats.

Ranger watching and waiting
for Dave to let him run loose.
Nope! just watching everything around him.

Zero Gatorade
The cashier had to show me the right way
to fill your cart when it's on sale.
Ryder likes to drink the sugar free stuff as well.
I can't keep it in my fridge.

I'm exhausted and ready for a Sunday afternoon nap. I definitely need to recharge for Monday.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024 Utah Summer Games

There are multiple swim meets across the state one being in Cottonwood Heights. Ryder was so busy that he missed the deadline. Lucky for him the Summer Games in Cedar City still had opening for their swimming. Ryder & I headed off towards Cedar City. The ding of a text message asking if I was coming with Ryder? Would I be willing to officiate? Yes to both questions. Thank goodness I brought my clothes.

SUU Pool
It's been a long time since we have been here.
The pool is still impressive to look at.

Ryder had an awesome meet!!

He is working so hard cutting time at each event and getting closer to those zone times.

Event #8     Mens 15-16 Boys 200 LC Meter IM    2:35.06    1st Place
Event #12    Mens 15-16 100 LC Meter Backstroke    1:11.49    2nd Place
Event #34    Mens 15-16 100 LC Meter Butterfly    1:13.49    8th Place
Event #46    Mens 15-16 400 LC Meter IM    5:33.90    1st Place