Sunday, August 25, 2024


How can it be the end of May already? Here are the final pictures that say it all.

Baby cucumbers
Could this be the year we are successful at growing veggies?
There are a whole lot blossoms.

First harvest!
A little tiny but very yummy

Treats for cheat day
Chocolate milk and beignets
Yummy treat for sure

Not sure were the holes came from.
Couldn't be that the towel is 10 or more years old.
Or is it from the chlorine from being used poolside.

Ryder & his Harley
Quick trip around the block to practice.

Look who came for a visit.
Hanging out by the A/C vent

Freddy's Orange Freeze
Getting in another treat before the new week starts.
Very yummy but not worth the $6.99 price tag.

Afternoon movie "Sight"
It was a really good movie to finish the weekend out.

The meeting!

New glasses!
or rather old lady glasses.
Trying progressive lenses for the first time.
The verdict is still out if this is a good thing or not.

WHAT!!! is that?
It's moving!
It was a beautiful night after watching Funny Girl
at St George Musical Theater.
Great visiting with my SkyWest friend.

That's a wrap for the month of May.


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