Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Quick Trip

It's Memorial Day Weekend what should we do with an extra day off? We were headed North to visit Grandma JeanAnn with the Ford Ranger. We were on the road shortly after the swim meet finished.

Maverick Sign
Gas in Beaver $3.13
Everyone was stopping there for a fill up.

He is not falling asleep.
Just a blink when I snapped this.
Notice he is driving...he is a bad backseat driver.
He becomes the driver instead.

I was taking the picture of
Timpanogos still covered in snow.
Bonus captured one of many sport cars on the road today. 

No cars to ruin the view

Visiting Grandpa Roy's grave
as well as Grandpa Chris's grave

Grandma JeanAnn explaining to
Ryder why she decorates each grave.
He listened but still couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about.
Maybe someday when he is much old he will understand.

He noticed my name on the
back of the headstone. It blew his mind
and replied that it was weird.

It was a fun quick trip thank goodness I can relax on Monday and rejuvenate before going to work on Tuesday.

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