Sunday, August 11, 2024

Is It Summer Yet?

Not yet officially it's still a month away. Summer vacation yet? Not still a week away. However, Ryder is finished with all his school work so he announced he is done for the year. His 4.0 is not in danger.

This sums up my struggles with the 90 Day Challenge at work.
The key point is I have cut sugar and artificial sweeteners for 6 days a week.
I will keep working hard 70 days to go.

Car Show at UTU
Not as many cars as previous years.
It's not as hot either.

My favorite

Rylee living her best life!!
Zion's looks great on her.

Make it even better.

May a squirrel or 2.

I think the squirrel is taking this picture
for them.

Do we have mice or large rodent?
This was definitely not me. Not to say I haven't been tempted.
Don't add to the temptation by leaving them where I can see them.

Chocolate Chip Cookie
Healthy style with Stevia & honey.
Verdict. . . Nope!!
Keep working on it or go back to making them the right way.
Dave & I enjoyed them. I even saw Ryder sneak a couple.

Catching a walk
with Ryder helping out with Piper.

Here comes the long weekend. I am ready for a break.

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