Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Puppy Play Date

It is time for Ranger to meet Dexter & Piper. What better time than Saturday afternoon.

Piper checking him out.
A good sign not growling or barking.

Butt sniffing
Also a good sign no growling or biting.

Dexter finally gave in and
came to check him out.

Another puppy wins 
Dave's heart.

It's been a rough hours.
Nap time for everyone.

It was a fun afternoon watching them play together. However, potty training hasn't been so successful. I found a few wet spots even after multiple trips to the backyard. The good part of a visit is they go home and I can go to bed without worrying if they will sleep all night.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


How can it be the end of May already? Here are the final pictures that say it all.

Baby cucumbers
Could this be the year we are successful at growing veggies?
There are a whole lot blossoms.

First harvest!
A little tiny but very yummy

Treats for cheat day
Chocolate milk and beignets
Yummy treat for sure

Not sure were the holes came from.
Couldn't be that the towel is 10 or more years old.
Or is it from the chlorine from being used poolside.

Ryder & his Harley
Quick trip around the block to practice.

Look who came for a visit.
Hanging out by the A/C vent

Freddy's Orange Freeze
Getting in another treat before the new week starts.
Very yummy but not worth the $6.99 price tag.

Afternoon movie "Sight"
It was a really good movie to finish the weekend out.

The meeting!

New glasses!
or rather old lady glasses.
Trying progressive lenses for the first time.
The verdict is still out if this is a good thing or not.

WHAT!!! is that?
It's moving!
It was a beautiful night after watching Funny Girl
at St George Musical Theater.
Great visiting with my SkyWest friend.

That's a wrap for the month of May.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Quick Trip

It's Memorial Day Weekend what should we do with an extra day off? We were headed North to visit Grandma JeanAnn with the Ford Ranger. We were on the road shortly after the swim meet finished.

Maverick Sign
Gas in Beaver $3.13
Everyone was stopping there for a fill up.

He is not falling asleep.
Just a blink when I snapped this.
Notice he is driving...he is a bad backseat driver.
He becomes the driver instead.

I was taking the picture of
Timpanogos still covered in snow.
Bonus captured one of many sport cars on the road today. 

No cars to ruin the view

Visiting Grandpa Roy's grave
as well as Grandpa Chris's grave

Grandma JeanAnn explaining to
Ryder why she decorates each grave.
He listened but still couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about.
Maybe someday when he is much old he will understand.

He noticed my name on the
back of the headstone. It blew his mind
and replied that it was weird.

It was a fun quick trip thank goodness I can relax on Monday and rejuvenate before going to work on Tuesday.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sizzlin Summer Invite - May 2024

It's swim time again and a holiday weekend. The extra day will be nice since we will have been at the pool Friday and Saturday. I am grateful that these meets can be held at UTU. Instead of driving to Cedar City .

I found him in deep thought
staring at the pool.
While the coaches are writing the stats down.

It's a beautiful Saturday morning.
The kids are energized
and ready to swim.

So glad that I'm not officiating
at the start end.
This is the worst place to stand. 
You are definitely going home soaking wet.

The team hanging out
of course everyone has their phones.

Jeans & belts 50 Meter
You can't tell from my awful picture that all the boys
now have jeans on with a belt.
Ryder didn't participate due to there being no jeans small enough.

Keep going!!

They were still moving pretty
fast despite the dead weight they were
pulling along.

The kids had a fun meet while working really hard. Of course Ryder was starving and will die of starvation if he doesn't get food in the next 10 minutes. Oh the drama!!

Event #1    Mixed 100 Meter Back    1:11.28    4th Place
Event #3    Mixed 200 Meter IM        2:36.23    8th Place
Event #8    Mixed 200 Meter Free Relay    2:12.94    12 Place
Event #9    Mixed 400 Meter Free    5:13.09    4th Place
Event #10    Mixed 200 Meter Back    2:37.54    4th Place
Event #12    Mixed 200 Meter Free    2:22.40    3rd Place
Event #15    Mixed 100 Meter Fly    1:16.10    7th Place
Event #16    Mixed 200 Meter Medley Relay    2:21.03    3rd Place


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

They Did It!!

Rylee & Ruston did a thing! They are buying a house!!!

The smiles
They are taking an additional step to adulthood.

Their new home
This is the picture from the listing.
Rylee loves the white picket fence out front.

Miss Indy is not so sure 
about this move.

A little bit of bribery from
In & Out brought puppy smiles.

Introducing . . . Ranger
New house and a new puppy.
Let's hope he gets along with the Miss Indy.

She couldn't be bothered with Ranger.
She just wanted loves from her mom.

Looking good
Everyone working together helping them
get moved in.
The white picket fence had to come down to hopefully get repainted.
Dave decided they needed shutters on the front to dress it up.

Our house is a little quieter. We all actually miss having Miss Indy under foot all the time. We are so proud of them in taking this next step together. To succeed where so many tell you that this isn't something you can do. After this they can do anything they want.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Is It Summer Yet?

Not yet officially it's still a month away. Summer vacation yet? Not still a week away. However, Ryder is finished with all his school work so he announced he is done for the year. His 4.0 is not in danger.

This sums up my struggles with the 90 Day Challenge at work.
The key point is I have cut sugar and artificial sweeteners for 6 days a week.
I will keep working hard 70 days to go.

Car Show at UTU
Not as many cars as previous years.
It's not as hot either.

My favorite

Rylee living her best life!!
Zion's looks great on her.

Make it even better.

May a squirrel or 2.

I think the squirrel is taking this picture
for them.

Do we have mice or large rodent?
This was definitely not me. Not to say I haven't been tempted.
Don't add to the temptation by leaving them where I can see them.

Chocolate Chip Cookie
Healthy style with Stevia & honey.
Verdict. . . Nope!!
Keep working on it or go back to making them the right way.
Dave & I enjoyed them. I even saw Ryder sneak a couple.

Catching a walk
with Ryder helping out with Piper.

Here comes the long weekend. I am ready for a break.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'm Finished!!

This boy is finished with his Invisalign braces a month early!! He is always trying to exceed expectations and he did it again.

Love the new smile

Doing a final scan for the doctor.
Making sure that everything is the way it's supposed to be.

He is the proud owner of
a new retainer, case, and molds.
Love this new technology bring in your molds if you lose
your retainers.
Or if the dog eats it.

Checkup in 6 weeks to make sure everything is still ok. Ryder informed me that since he was done early that they should give us a discount. HaHaHa!!! we could only wish.