Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Day After

Nobody plans for the day after any big events in our lives.  All I wanted to do was sleep and relax.  Everyone else has other plans for this beautiful Saturday in October.  Grandma headed to Las Vegas with Randy to watch the BYU football game at Raider's Stadium.  Reganne headed to work.  The house was slowly quietly relaxing.

Until the newlyweds showed up with big plans to take all their friends to the lake to hang out and have fun.  First of the wedding gifts were calling to Ruston to open me, open me!!

Abby jumped into help.
Everyone was so good to them.

They loved everything they received
and so thankful that so many people loved them enough
to come and spoil them.

Miss Indy
Was right by their sides sensing that
something was going on.
She wasn't going to let them leave her out.

They left for the lake with all the leftover doughnuts to feed all the growing boys.  We decided to take Bryan & Abby to Snow Canyon for some hiking and sunshine.

Beautiful views
Lava beds

Checking out the view
and maybe sharing a few stories.

Miss Abby 
She was always eager for an adventure where ever we went.
I do believe we wore her out by the afternoon.
Maybe not her but us instead.

Wedding Leftovers!!
Walking into the house that still looked like 
a wedding threw up is not stress free.
What to do with all the stuff??
I'm not sure what Rylee has planned for the leftovers.

It is now nap time before dinner and clean up.  Maybe just a nap!!

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