Sunday, February 12, 2023

Not A Normal Week

After so much celebrating we received the news that Kim, Grandpa Chris' daughter and my friend growing up passed away from breast cancer.  Dave & I headed to Springville to go with grandma.

A nice day
for a sad event.

Many family members
and friends came to pay their respects.

We headed back home afterwards to finish out the week.  Our house is in desperate need for some attention and cleaning. Saturday was so nice that I opened up the doors for fresh air.  Let the dogs out to play for awhile as I started cleaning up the basement.

Who opened the door?

Indy figured out that if she hit the door with nose just right.
POP!! it opens enough to let them inside.
If she had thumbs we would be in real trouble.

Ryder's lunch
Look at what I had for lunch.
Cheese Curd Hamburger
Sorry, but it looks nasty.

New shoes
So comfy and not slide
These will be perfect for being on deck.
High school swim is getting ready to start.
Ryder & Dave chimed in that they looked to big.
Almost like cartoon feet.

I do believe that everyone is exhausted after at tough week.  Thankfully, there was moments of laughter and fun during the harder times.  I look forward to a long nap tomorrow after church.

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