Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Employee Appreciation Event

IHC shows how they care about their employees and families.  This afternoon they hosted an event full of games, activities, treats, and dinner for all employees and their families.  It was a warm day but still bearable to be outside for longer periods of time.  Dave was on setup and tear down of course he had spent most of the day there.  He also made many trips from the hospital to the college getting supplies.  Of course he ended up helping out other departments with their setup.

Time to cool off
Water spraying every where
Courtesy of St George Fire Dept.

It's amazing how much water can spew out
and of course getting everyone wet in sight.
There is the firetruck
Love the excitement from the kids.
The smiles on the fire fighters was even better.

We all stayed dry
It was time to start cleaning up.
These two were on a mission to gather up the garbage cans.

Dinner was good and we tried something new canned water.  I wasn't so sure about giving a try.  However, I was dying of thirst something is wrong with a pop top on water.  It was good for purified water and maybe start a new trend.

Thanks IHC and all many employees that put in their extra time to make this a success.  

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