Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Dreaded Sickness

 It was bound to happen with Omicron raging around us.  We had dodged for so long until Reganne came home from Sconic in the middle of Christmas break that the day crew was all out with the nastiness.  The night crew was going to be working overtime.

7 days later, second day of school, and the start of a new quarter guess who isn't feeling very well.  Trying to convince her to go to bed isn't usually hard but not today.  She had things to do and places to be.  Friday she wakes up worse than the night before.  I pull the Mom card!!! She is staying home from work & school.

Sconic is requiring a test to return so off we head to Tech Ridge along with a hundred our closest fellow citizens.

20 ahead of us and 30 behind.

Cars need to move up and close
the space between.

It's official we are closer to the front of the line
than the end of the line.

Get ready to be swabbed!!

As we drive towards home anxiously waiting the results.  There is no way she has got it.  I keep telling myself it's just allergies.  DING!!!  and the results are POSITIVE!!!!

Now what I have been sitting in the car for over an hour with her no mask or fresh air.  Dave is sure he has it as well.  He heads off to be tested on Saturday afternoon.  NEGATIVE!!!  I still have no symptoms.  Ryder calls from school on Monday with symptoms.  Dave stayed home for the day so he and Ryder headed out to get tested again.  SURPRISE!!! Tech Ridge is closed to running out of tests.  After a 3 hour wait they finally get him tested and NEGATIVE!!

To borrow from my previous phrase WHAT THE???  One testing positive, 2 having allergy symptoms, and 2 symptom free.

We will survive this I am sure.

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