Sunday, July 25, 2021

When Do We Celebrate?

I am not a fan of weekend holidays.  There are way too many arguments on when to celebrate.  There are even people that will stretch the celebrations over the whole weekend.  This year was no different the city celebrated on Saturday with the parade, party in the park, concert, and of course fireworks.

Our weather has been very hot and very dry.  We decided to give the tickets for the concert to Reganne and her friends.  I was perfectly content to stay home with the AC cranked and watch a movie.

Reganne's view of the concert.

The neighborhood was quiet for the night which made everyone happy.  Sunday dawned with a very patriotic church service.  The flags are flying it makes you proud to be an American.  The sun goes down and the neighborhood lights up with multiple firework displays going on in the area.  People are crazy about their fireworks.  The eagerly await the days to arrive that makes it legal to shoot them off.  It's amazing to me that their aren't more fires in our area.

We are not one of those families.  I did find some poppers & sparklers I had bought last year.  Ryder was ready to have some fun.

Check this out!!

How many can I burn at one time?

How about a whole box?

He didn't start anything else on fire thank goodness.  He was a little disappointed that all his friends were out of town.  He was forced to hang out with his parents.  Maybe next year?

I am very thankful our country and all that we are blessed with.  It is nice to see everyone come together to celebrate the special day.  There are many things that are currently screwed up.  It can give us all a little sense of peace that many are still willing to work & fight for our freedoms.  No matter how bad things look or how the media portrays those bad things there is still good in the country.

I am very grateful to be an American and to live in the country.

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