Wednesday, May 26, 2021

SRIS Concert Band Performance

We made it to the year end concert.  Mrs Wood is a Star Wars Fan to the max.  Last year she planned their concert on May 4th which was cancelled.  This year she was determined to have that concert on May 4th.  She was successful and all the planning paid off.  The concert was moved to the high school which has plenty of room for the audience and families could attend.

SRIS Concert Band

There he is with his
band buddies.
He did say a couple had stage fright
and couldn't play their parts.
Ryder had no such problem and kept on playing.

No paper programs
Scan the QBR Code instead.

They did really well. Even with a few sour notes.
No Star War songs in the set.

The kids did so good.
Mrs Wood is an amazing teacher & supporter of her students.
We are going to miss her next year.
When he moves to the middle school.

 The concert was over time for me to party for my birthday.  Turning 55 means I can slow down and relax for the night.  We also hit another milestone of finishing the Book of Mormon as a family.  We have started so many times but have never completed it together.  It makes this momma's heart expand when I see what we can accomplish together.

This old lady is tired and we may celebrate over the weekend or just move on.

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