Sunday, May 16, 2021

Next Level

The Pacific NorthWest Sectionals are in town and our swim team was asked to help out as much as possible.  I missed a deadline somewhere and didn't get signed up to officiate.  However, I filled the online form, selected that I was available for any of the sessions that they needed.  A few minutes later an emailed popped up asking for help on Wednesday for the first session.  That I can do!  Then a second email popped up  with a list of approved officials and what sessions they would be working.  I found my name at the bottom of the list and check marks for all 9 sessions.  Deep breaths!!! It is going to be a long 5 days.

Wednesday afternoon arrived and let's get ready to learn.

It's official
The Meet Credentials

Officials Meeting
then a yummy salad for dinner.

Kids getting ready
to compete.

Officials Meeting Room

Ryder helping out 
as a timer.

The speed
of the swimmers is amazing.

It was a busy meet learning how the next level of swim meets are ran.  I learned about the officials dance and how to do it without falling into the pool.  I also learned that there are a lot more officials needed on deck for each session.  I am grateful for everyone that kindly showed me what to do and how to do it.  Some things made sense others went completely over my head.  The couple of things that remained the same is getting drenched on the turn end by a swim off before the session started.  The pay is all the same we were all volunteers.  We each got a meet shirt.  The meet ref and chief judge have both officiated at the Olympic Trials.  Ryder was sure they made bank (his words).  Well they don't!!! They are all volunteers.  When we watch the Olympics this summer remember that the officials are all volunteering their time and all they get is a golf shirt.

It turned out to be fun, exhausting, and very wet.  I don't think I am ready for the next level yet!! It is now time to sleep so I can go back to real life tomorrow.

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