Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Doing Our Part

The governor announced that March 8th vaccines would be open to everyone 50 and above.  There would be appointments available starting at 9:00 am.  I know it's important to get it done but I am not a fan of shots.  Monday morning arrived and time to put my money where my mouth is and get signed up.  It's 9:05 and I'm at my computer.  All appointments have been filled with the only available time is March 18th.  I signed up and prepared to wait.   Let's look again and maybe something sooner has opened up.   YEP!!! the 10th in the afternoon wide open.  Only 2 days to ponder, worry, stew, and wonder some more.

Waiting in line
It's a little chilly and the lines were long.
The parking lots were full.

Paperwork checked by the
National Guard.
Then onto the next line.
This is where I had deja vu from all the shot lines during elementary school.
I could do this and not cry or run screaming for the door.

It's official!!!
I am vaccinated!!

What a good feeling to know that I have done my part in hopefully ending this year of craziness.  I not only survived COVID I am not vaccinated against it as well.  Now I get to answer questions of why, how did it feel, and how am I feeling know.  

The hardest part of the whole process was finding a parking place.  The gentleman that gave me mine was really nice but a little rough in the administrating it.  The feeling of the medicine tingled for awhile afterward.  The 15 minute waiting period flew by while visiting with those around us.   One even shared the first picture.  She took it while we were waiting in line.  There was still time to grab some lunch at McDonalds and head back to work.

Three days later the injection site is still a little tender but no side effects.  Would I do this again? Yes. Would I take the kids if they become eligible? Yes.   Be brave and roll up your sleeve.

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