Sunday, July 12, 2020

Week in Review

It is official I have lost count of the weeks with restrictions.  We have moved into those long summer days.  The nights have still been cooling off which makes it nice after surviving the heat of the day.
Once we hit July that won't be the case.  Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

Air balloons in the morning.
The dogs hate them.
They bark when they see one.
This one seemed to be following us.

Awesome technology!!
We watched the SpaceX launch 
in the Hummer and on the iPhone.
Still a thrill to watch the count down & lift off.

New adventure for Ryder
dog grooming.  Dexter was his first
victim.  It was really short.  Not bad for a first time
and a very wiggly dog.

New instrument...
He contacted his band teacher about switching 
instruments and practicing over the summer.

I am not sure how much practicing is 
being done.  He has tormented his sisters
and the dogs.

The new normal
First time back to church.
45 minutes was way short but enjoyed the spirit there.

Ready for church?
This is what happens when you don't wear 
your Sunday clothes for 3 months.
We need to go shopping before our next meeting
in July.

It was a good week despite the pandemic raging around the world.  Ryder is back to swimming a full schedule.  When he isn't swimming he is hanging out with friends or trying to find ways to make money.  He is going to be the millionaire in our family if he keeps this up.

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