Sunday, July 26, 2020

Another Month

In the books!!! How is it possible that June is over and the pandemic isn't?? It is heating up and we are in desperate need of some cooling off time and adventures.

What is that?
Ryder groomed Ginger for the first time
and used my vacuum to clean up.
I noticed that the bucket was full and 
when I opened it up this is what I found.
Tips for him:  Do it in the backyard and 
use the shop vac to clean up afterwards.

It is way hot outside in our backyard.
112 outside and 82 inside
The AC is having a hard time keeping up.
Weather predictions say it's going to get hotter in July.

Ryder & friends
Making and selling snow cones
These boys are always thinking and planning 
on how to make money.
They also love hanging out together.

Instead of going for a walk.
Let's try playing at the soccer park early
Sunday morning.

You want me to get that ball?
Then bring it back to you?
No way, you go get it.

You stay here Dexter and
let Ginger get it.
Neither one wanted to play fetch.
Instead they loved running around the park
and through the puddles.

During dinner we heard a loud bang...

This is what we found about a 1/2 hour later.
The tall rose bush had fallen over.

Ben & Dave
team work in pulling it up right.

Ryder pushed from the other side.

It was bent but didn't break.
Dave was able to use a ratchet strap to keep in
place until he could figure out how to stabilize it.

Loved this picture
when it popped up in my texts.
Do you love my eyelashes?

It was a little crazy this week getting ready vacation over the 4th of July.  Rylee is busy working, hanging out with Ben, and getting ready for any new adventure that comes her way.  Reganne is practicing her driving and is excited to take drivers ed as soon as I can schedule it with the school.  We are anxious to see what the school district decides about school starting in August.  I know that this is the longest summer break on record.

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