Sunday, December 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Family Traditions

This year planning our Thanksgiving dinner we had all the usual dishes in mind.  However, Dave decided one item was missing the fruit salad.  I have tried a couple times to make it over the years but with not much luck.  Dave's Mom NaDean made it each year for Thanksgiving & New Years.  He wanted to share it with the kids.  I just needed to provide the ingredients and they would do the rest.

Rylee & Ryder were assigned to chopping apples.  Reganne was on whipping cream.  Dave was opening the cans.  

Team work
I was making snicker bars for dessert.

Refusing to let
me take their picture.
They did a great job and it was really good.  Dave was confused about whether she used whipping cream or cool whip.  That is one thing I remember she always used whipping cream for the fruit salad.  Cool Whip was definitely for the Orange Fluff salad.

This is one tradition I want to keep going and hopefully pass onto our grandkids someday.

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