Sunday, August 18, 2019

W & W Annual Campout

Every year is a new adventure when we go camping.  We have survived thunder & lightening, fires,  emergency room visits, and now no water unless boiled first.  It was going to be a new adventure for sure.  A first this year was not everyone was going to be there for the whole time.  Jacy & Spencer have just moved to Salt Lake City to start new jobs and the next adventure.  Ryder was going to be at scout camp until Saturday afternoon.  Rylee had to work Saturday night and wouldn't be coming up afterwards.  Trying to feel positive and enjoy our time together.

Little Ceasars and the great out doors.

Reganne & Dacoda
Found the air soft guns for a little
target practice before dark.
It is so peaceful after dark.  Except someone forgot to turn the light out.  It was a full moon and it sure is bright in the mountains.  The plus side is also not much wild life out and about when it's this bright.

Best part of camping
all the snacks.

Ryder checking out the hammock.
Dave trying to pester him by rocking it.
Too bad it isn't quiet enough to sneak up.

Sound asleep before 6:00.
Scout camp must have been fun.
He slept through the night.

New treat
Roasted Rice Krispie Treats
The highlight of the campout is roasting Peeps.  When things get boring around the campfire.  Time to shake it up.  The rice krispie treats were yummy.  How about cinnamon bears?

Ok, but really gooey.
Sitting around the campfire laughing, joking, and star gazing.  The forest was quiet and very relaxing.  The best part no cell phone signal so completely out of the loop for at least a day.   On our way home no emergencies or fires that needed immediate attention.  It's good to unplug for awhile.

Time to pack up and head for home.  I am glad we decided to come and not cancel.  It was a great weekend.  

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