Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Summer Vacation... Headed Home

We have had a couple of busy, crazy, and stressful days.  Everyone was eager to relax and sleep in.  Dave couldn't make it much past 7 before he was up getting ready.  He then convinced Ryder to join him for breakfast downstairs.  They came running back to the room due to the fire alarms going off.  Hurry, Hurry get up!!! They yelled as they walked in.  The girls & I rolled over in confusion but we quickly jumped to when we realized that we might be on fire.  We hurried out of the hotel in our pajamas only to discover the hotel wasn't on fire.  Instead, the construction next door had tripped it.

Since we were all up and somewhat awake lets get ready to head towards home.

Family picture in the hotel lobby.
By the display oil well.
It was a going to be a beautiful day.
We hit the road but not before making a quick stop to Starbucks for the kids to get their frappacinos they had been craving since arriving in town.  Then an hour into the drive Ryder was begging to stop.  He needed to pee bad!!!!  Dave pulled off at the next exit it claimed a rest stop.  However, as we pulled in the gas station that also boasted of a cafe Ryder looked around and promptly told us he could hold it.  It probably wasn't as bad as it looked but with no windows on either building and a few muddy cars parked out back.  It looked deserted and if not it didn't look welcoming to little boys.

We entered Utah and decided to switch directions and head home through Heber.  The kids were anxious to see were Spencer had grown up.  The drive was beautiful and how much has changed over the past couple of years.  We then call Grandma JeanAnn to meet us for lunch.

I'm hungry!!1

I'm tired and starving.
Everyone ate until we couldn't move.  Thank goodness Grandma was with us and took all the leftovers home to Grandpa.  It was time now to hit the road for the last stretch of our trip.  We made it in great time to be home by 6.  All that was left was to unpack, put stuff away, and sleep in our own beds.  Wait a minute....how did we manage to bring home this much laundry???

There was time for me to catch my breathe before packing up again for our annual W&W Camping Trip on Friday.

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