Sunday, November 13, 2016

School Projects.....1st Trimester

6th Grade you get to take Band, Orchestra, or Theater, Art, and Choir.  Reganne chose to do Theater, Art, and Choir.  She was lucky enough to get Art for 1st Trimester.  She loves to draw and create.  She didn't like the tests or writing about art.

We love to see what she creates and is willing to share.  She told us about a mask she was making of a lion.  Have you ever heard of paper mach?  It's gross playing with it but she was proud of the result. I am amazed by her talent and her deep concentration while creating.

Lion Mask
Ryder too was busy creating all sorts of creepy pictures and fun stories.  He too is very creative and loves to draw, build, and write stories.

Haunted House

These kids amaze me daily with what they can do and accomplish when they set their minds to do something.  I now know for a fact that I am the only one in our family that can't draw even a straight line.  Thank goodness I have all of them to help me out in my time of need.

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