Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Test Run

The boat was finally fixed, back home, and ready for a test run.  Finding time for that test run became problem number 1.  Everyone has different ideas, plans, and desires for a Saturday.

We made the time after a few false starts by 2:00 we were on the lake.  We were holding our breath as Dave started off across the lake.

Are we ok?
Tube Time??  Of course since the water was way to rough for the knee board.  As they were riding a white cup floated by.  Is that the one we lost on the way out?  Maybe?  Can you pick it up.

Too far

Now she has to hold onto it until we pull them back in.
2 Waters enjoying the water.
Dang it was cold for a second at least.
The water is perfect
Time for a little more tubing & swimming
One more lap around the lake in the tub.  One problem however, the boat died again.  So much for it being fixed and in good shape.  Back to the shop!!!!

We did have an hours worth of good times enjoying the sun, water, and each other.

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