Tuesday, August 9, 2016

One Last Swim

This week has been a long one.  Summer swim team ended last week and bowling ended on Tuesday.  Ryder earned a bowling ball without any holes.  Those need to be added later at the local pro shop.  What is an 8 year old boy to do to keep himself busy and out of trouble?

Tuesday, he worked around the house to earn extra money and he did a great job folding towels, cleaning up dog poop, and sweep the front walk.

Wednesday, he was bored to tears and pestered the sisters all day.  Lucky for us we received the invite to the End of Summer Swim Team Ice Cream Social.  He was ready for one more swim with his friends.

It was HOT!!!! and cloudy but there was swimming, ice cream, and friends.  Time to party.

Do I dare to jump??

Fun Relay

Who is that swimming towards me?
or maybe I am swimming to close to him?

Stopping for ice cream with Colton.
At 106 degree weather ice cream quickly melts.
One last jump....
Maybe 20 if you will let us.
He had great time swimming and jumping in with all the friends he made this summer during the morning practices.  They were all really tired but had smiles on their faces yelling at each other see you next summer.

Let's hope we can all survive the final 2 weeks of summer vacation without injury, sickness, or fighting.  Is that asking too much??

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