Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Break: Disneyland in the Rain

Just as predicted the rain started at 3:00 as a minor sprinkle as the kids were on the Matterhorn.  We waited for them to ride.  My brains were already addled from HyperSpace Mountain so I sat out with Dave.  In a matter of minutes the minor sprinkle turned into major down pour.  We should we go to wait out the storm and how do we keep from getting drenched?

Sweet spot under a canopy.
The kids came back dripping and shivering.
How long do these storms last??

Wild rainstorm that we don't usually see in the desert.

In a matter of minutes the rain ponchos came out
the fun continued

We even got in line for those wonderful
Disney Ponchos a one of kind souvenir.

When the rain stops in California you remain wet.
This is so foreign for those who live in the desert.
Where you dry in minutes rather than hours. 

Ryder and Pete the Pirate
The pirate started a conversation with Ryder or rather
he tried to engage Ryder in a conversation.  Instead
Ryder tried to hide or ignore him with hopes he would go away.

Just adding Waters to Disneyland
We were tired, cold, and still wet it was time to head back to the hotel.  The dryer got a workout with everyone's wet clothes.

Warm, dry, pjs, and electronics
A perfect ending for a fun day.
What is for dinner???

The cupboards were empty...

Dave & I made a quick run to Del Taco with a stop at
 7 Eleven for treats.
Along with a dozen others.  The line was crazy but even crazier listening
to the conversations around us. 
No fireworks.
The perfect spot to view them
it was rained out.
Everyone was tired, ready for bed, but not ready to go home tomorrow.  We had a great time and it was the perfect weekend to go.  The crowds weren't bad and the weather wasn't bad enough to keep us from having fun.

Goodbye Disneyland we will see you next year.  Same time and same place!!!!

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