Thursday, December 3, 2015

Resident Artist

Reganne loves to draw and is turning into an amazing artist.  Her favorite subject is tigers but is starting to branch out.  DHHS sent out a call for artwork for their fall play AIDA.  Reganne's class was busy working on their entries.  I signed the release and went onto other things.

A week later I received an email that her picture had been selected for display and she received a free ticket to the play.  After volleyball practice & karate the girls headed off to the play and met up with her friends for a night of culture.

She was one of 20 kids getting her picture displayed. 
Her picture
It was an awesome show and more amazing was to see the talent from the high school.  However, Reganne ditched Rylee & I in favor of sitting with her friend Grace.  Rylee couldn't see so I sat by myself what Mom's don't do for their kids.

The kids were all really proud of their pictures.

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