Sunday, August 9, 2015

Waters' Water School Session 2

The kids were really excited to go out and play at the lake and practice knee-boarding again.  However, something was missing from the boat.  NO KNEE-BOARD!!!!! where did it go?  Did someone steal it or did it fly off the boat during the drive out?

Instead let's try Wake-boarding.....

Unhappy kids that plans have changed.
They patiently listened as Dave told them what to do.
Who will go first?
I snapped this picture too fast and missed him getting up on his first attempt.
He quickly tired out and was done.
The teacher taking his turn.
Showing how it's done.
Serious face
He won't convince them to try it this way.
There were no more takers for the wake-board.  Can we please tube now was the whiny plea.....
Let's first have a snack while Dave gets the tube ready. 

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