Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring Soccer: Game 4 Orange Ninjas

It's going to be a hot day for soccer since our game started at 11:00.  We were down on player so all three boys were going to play the whole game.  They were happy they didn't have it out.  The Orange Ninjas had 6 players so we knew it was going to be a rough day.

They are off and running
And running...and kicking the ball.
Water Break
If all else fails stand in front of the goal so they can't kick it it.
I tried telling them that they can't do that, but they refused to listen.
They keep on running.
Ryder was running behind everyone not wanting to get hit by the ball.  No amount of talking could convince him that is what he needs to do.
We're pooped!
The game was finally over for these three tired little boys.
But wait the most important part was still to come TREATS!!!!!!

Time for a treat and this week we have to clean the house.

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