Thursday, February 14, 2013

Saying Goodbye....

After 2 days short of 7 months we had to tell Christiana & Shawn goodbye.  Their level of care changed and our licensing didn't.  This will be a good move for them, but we still love them and wish them the best.

There was still time for one last round of pictures.

All in blue...Little Valley Lion Day
Please let us be crazy.
Kids + Heather (Their caseworker) & Paige (Her coworker)

One last group shot.
Lori & Shawn
Picture courtesy of  Christiana she snapped this before I could stop her.  For a boy that hates to have his picture taken Shawn always seems to find his way into every frame.

As they drove away there were a few tears, well wishes, and promises to keep in touch. 


Unknown said...

I bet it is so strange to be back to 3 kids instead of 5.

I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your cute family. Keep the posts coming!

Susan said...

Hugs to you all.