Thursday, July 28, 2011

Weekend Vacation: Lagoon

The kids have been planning this part of our trip since the day we left last year. they have talked about their favorite rides and what order they planned on riding them. This year the park was a little more crowded, but not enough to keep the kids from riding what they wanted.

The first ride we rode was the Kontiki Boat. Surprise !!! Ryder was tall enough this year to ride. check out the smile could it get any bigger?

I am Big!!!

He loves riding the cars. Rylee & Reganne discovered that this would be the last time for them. Their knees where up to their chins as they rode around.

Riding the train and checking out the animals.

Rylee, Flat Stanley, and Ryder

Dave and Reganne waited to ride the log flume in Pioneer Village. We found a shady spot behind the ride to wait and watch. Ryder climbed the fence and tormented Rylee.

Soaking wet, but who cares!! I rode the big rides with Dad. She rode the Log Flume and Rattle Snake Rapids with Dave.

We really need to visit the Dentist. Between the two girls they have six wiggly teeth.

Old favorite... Puff The Dragon.

New favorite...The Tilt a Whirl.

They wore out and made their dad sick by riding 5 times in a row.

Last Ride... Merry Go Round

Could they be more alike. We gave our seats up to kids looking for seats. Ryder & Reganne were not going to let us hold onto them. It required balance to stay standing.

The day was over and it was time for dinner. A quick stop at Subway and Walmart for outfits to go home in. Ryder was asleep before we left the parking lot and slept until it was time to get up for the flight home @ 7:00.

It was a great weekend vacation and everyone is worn out, but planning is already underway for next year.

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