Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Rylee

Rylee turned 6 years old on April 2nd. She has been so excited to finally have her birthday. Just ask her it took forever... She had two birthday celebrations one on her birthday where she picked dinner for the family and we went to Arby's for their chocolate turnovers. Spring Pictures at Kiddie Kandids, and finally presents with the family. She got Barbie Mariposa which she loves the movie.
The second party came on Saturday with family and friends that came. Rylee, Reganne, Mom, and Grandma Jean Ann all went and had manicures and pedicures. They loved being able to pick their nail polish and of course both picked pink. Next it was on to the Bear Mill where Grandma let them each build an animal. They love this Rylee brought home a new cat and Reganne a new horse. They sleep with them and carry them around the house. I have taken away the leashes that came with them. They were hooking them on their clothes and walking each other. Then I noticed the holes in their shirts. The leashes disappeared.
Next came cake and friends. I couldn't find a Barbie Mariposa and tried Barbie Fairtopia. Rylee said that was ok.

She refused to tell us what she wished for, but said she had a wonderful birthday. She is now asking how many days until her birthday again. I try telling her to many to count, but she wants to know how many exactly.
Other goings on this week have been Ryder's first tooth appeared on Thursday. No fan fare or tell tale signs. He is constantly chewing on anything that comes close to his mouth. So I am always checking. Much to my surpise when I felt it. Reganne says he can now have candy and toys. On Friday it is candy day at daycare. They can each pick one piece of candy. Reganne quickly picked one for Ryder. "Mom, he has teeth"
Reganne is turning into my little helper. She follows me when I start cooking and wants to see, taste, and stir. Always in that order. Yesterday fixing a salad she was eating the ends of the cucumbers. She got to the stem and started spitting it out telling me that is was yucky. I told her that she could eat around it and she did. She loves to hold Ryder's bottle or try wiping his nose or spit up. He is so patient with her and smiles at her.


Casey said...

Happy Birthday Rylee! She's so cute. What a beautiful smile!

Susan said...

That is a cool cake! I'm glad she had a good birthday. I wouldn't be surprised if Reganne isn't talking about her birthday coming up. That's what happens to Robyn when Annalise has her birthday. She sees all the neat stuff and then can't wait until it's her birthday.

Jennifer Peters said...

Looks like a fun party! You didn't mention the new tooth... that is really fun too.