Sunday, December 24, 2023

How Exactly Did This Happen?

Happy Birthday Ryder!!! He made it to 16 with a smile on his face and an empty stomach.  I am not sure who was more excited for this day to arrive myself or Ryder. He definitely is a normal teenage boy it's all about the food.

Lunch at Chick-fil-a
I don't think he even took a breath between bites.

Dinner at Don Pedro's
A must have is the fried ice cream.

Birthday Cookies
You would think he was stuffed to the brim.
You are never to full to enjoy Costco's Chocolate Chip Cookies
No candles but a quick rendition of Happy Birthday.

One more before bed.
He definitely has good taste these are my favorites as well.

Let me explain about the cookies instead of. cake. When I asked them what kind of cake they wanted. The last couple of years its been an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen at a steep price of $50. Everyone takes a piece and then it sits in the freeze getting burned until I throw it away.  I almost had one long enough for a bonus year. This year I asked what kind of treat would you like for your birthday? Ryder's promptly responded cookies.  Let's see what Reganne comes up with in a couple of weeks.

Side driver's license yet. Waiting for the teachers to get to his name. The wait begins...

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