Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Weather Station

I find weather fascinating. It is always changing and no matter how many people try to tell us what is going to happen it always turns out different.  It also changes hour by hour.  I love having a weather station just as much.  Ours hasn't been working for a couple of months. We have been waiting for a sunny day to check it out.

It took some convincing to get Ryder & Dave 
to check it out.

Ryder doing the climbing

Dave checking out
the actual station.

It's in place
It's working!!

It was great to work together and have fun at the same time. I am excited to see how it works over the summer. We have had a little over 8 inches of rain that doesn't show in the year to day totals. Let's get settled in to watch the crazy weather for the rest of the year.

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