Sunday, December 4, 2022

Balance of Nature Gala

I have heard a lot over the last couple of months about the employee events held each year.  The Moonlight Masquerade Gala sounds like a whole lot of fun.  Formal dress, masks, and whole lot of good food.  This weekend was pretty busy with Rylee have her bridal pictures takes which I had to beg off since travel time was over an hour away.  Instead I went to a writing class to brush up on my cursive writing.

Wild and crazy 
Going back to 3rd grade and Mrs. Taylor's class.
It was actually fun to try and improve or correct bad habits learned over the past 40 years.

Very formal event
We lost my mask at some time over the night.

Love the decorations PR did an amazing job.
It was fun to see everyone dressed up and
having fun.

We missed the photo booth
We weren't too formal, yet we fit in just fine.

We had a great night.  Thank you Balance of Nature for planning such an awesome event where all employees were treated extra special.


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