Sunday, October 2, 2022

Busy 4th of July Weekend

This weekend will be crammed full of patriotic events.  Being a new employee of Balance of Nature I wasn't sure whether not I could participate.  They were definitely willing to let us volunteer and put us to work. First up was a mandatory practice at the DSU Stadium you can either carry a flag inside the stadium for the pre-show or help unfurl the largest flag ever for another presentation.  

We picked carry the flags.
It is really warm on the football field.
Hopefully, we will all survive.

Saturday morning dawned early as we headed to Hurricane for the ground breaking for the Liberty Village.  This is going to be a place that teaches American History with hands on activities and experiences.  It is a replica of the American Village based in Arkansa.  Tom Jones has been raising awareness and fundraising across the United States. He would be ending is journey this weekend.

Tom Jones 
Heading into the groundbreaking with the flag flying high.
The song American by Neil Diamond blaring from the speakers.
Got a little choked up watching everyone stop and watch.

Glen Beck
We followed him into the tent setup with chairs, treats, and a whole lot of people.  Young, old, locals, and people from out of town.  During the program they asked Glen Beck if he would like to say a few words.  This was not planned but he graciously came up and talked for a few minutes.

Getting ready with all the shovels.

Remote area of Hurricane
The future sight of Liberty Village.
We looked like we had been four wheeling in a whole lot of mud.
Stopping at Tag n Go to get the Hummer washed. If they will take us.
No problem!! your are the second vehicle coming in really muddy.  Where have you been? We told them it's amazing to watch high school kids showing so much interest.

Later in the day we went to the tabernacle for a patriotic display being held in the basement.  Who knew that there was such a big space in the basement.  It was full of various displays all in one spot.  One collector was on hand.  I asked him how he got started collecting. He started by collecting programs, tickets, and other mementoes.  He wouldn't share anymore details than that.  Who knows what my little  collection will look like in the coming years.  Probably not much but it's good to dream.

Darth Vadar
courtesy of Glen Beck

Disney artifacts
courtesy again of Glen Beck
It was a great display with a printing press replica that could have been used to print the Declaration of Independence.

Sunday, the evening of prayer of all faiths gathering together.  This year is was being held in the tabernacle.  We were encouraged to arrive early to find good seats.  We walked in to a small group sitting close to the front.  Listening intently to the collector I talked to yesterday.  We found seats and listened in. 

Glen Beck with an artifact.

We set listening intently.  Glen then took the mic and started talking about his favorite pieces. It was amazing to listen to both of these men talk about history.  It is very important that our history never gets lost but rather shared for younger generations.  

It was now time for the prayer meeting.  The music and speakers were all amazing.  I was feeling very patriotic and proud of the accomplishments that have been made over the years.

We also found out that we walked into a private tour earlier.  There wasn't enough space downstairs to hold everyone.  We are glad that we walked into it since it was the best part of the day.

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