Sunday, October 4, 2020

Who Is A Teenager??

 That would be this boy!!!  He has been waiting ever so patiently (NOT) for this day to arrive.  He had the whole day planned and was definitely ready to be a teenager.

It's official
he is a teenager!!!
I was ready to take him to lunch.  Instead he had his friends over for more games and craziness. None were eager to eat instead they couldn't be bothered.  I was interrupting their fun.  We need to go to the swim meet .  He also had been waiting not so patiently for his main gift a cell phone with actual service.  No more begging and pleading to use mine.

He also wanted something else...

A Salt Lamp
it even changed colors just like everything else
in his room.

We had dinner at Olive Garden followed by a yummy chocolate pie from Crowshaws.  He loved all the attention and is eagerly awaiting a shopping trip with Rylee & Ben for some new clothes.  I would love to turn the clock back but I have learned over the past 6 months that it's impossible.  I need to accept the years are swiftly moving by.  It's only the days that seem to drag right now.  We are excited to watch him grow and learn.  The sky is the limit for this boy.

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