Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Unofficial First Day Post

Now that the official pictures have been posted there are additional ones that need to be shared.  We all have our first day jitters and ways of dealing with it.

How do I look?
He asked the sisters for help
selecting the perfect first day.

SRIS Bell Schedule
It's going to be crazy keeping track of this.

They are off.

These boys have had a fun summer.
Hanging out, driving a golf cart, and
swimming at a neighbors.
They are definitely ready for new adventures
in 7th Grade.

Love those dimples!!
She took her own first day picture.

Off to sophomore orientation
The cheering squad greeting 
each student as they entered.

As I drove back through the parking lot everyone was either wearing their mask or had in their hands.  The pride I felt as I watched this kids take responsibility for themselves and the choices they make confirmed that we had made the right choice. 

We made it through the first couple of days!!!!  Here is to an amazing school year and many adventures!!!

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