Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stomping Out Another Week

How can a holiday weekend make the next week seem soooo long!!!  The gloom and doom coming from all the media outlets is really depressing if you listen to long.  I try to avoid large doses and take small bites when needing an update.

Trying my first Popeye's Chicken Sandwich.
Bribed Rylee with a free lunch if she
would try it with me.
She love it and I still prefer Chick Fil A.

More Google searches to find
DIY Cleaners
This one works the best on carpet stains (dogs)

Round to of dog grooming.

There is a lot of black & white fur flying.

They are not bald
and they smell a whole lot better.

Not bad!!!

Why does one always get left behind?
I have a freezer full of over ripe bananas.
I need to step up my game and make more banana bread.
I also hate over ripe bananas and the kids hate the green ones.

Taking Turns
It wasn't that long ago when they would refuse to share.
Now they are all smiles and wait patiently for their turns.

We survived and its back to warmer temps and the AC is back on.  Back to school & work tomorrow.  Let's all hope that this next week isn't as long.

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