Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Look Who is Driving!!

Reganne has been studying for her learners permit since her birthday.  The trouble was finding an open appointment time that worked for us to take her.  We finally agreed on a day and time.  

 She was ready!!!! We had all the paperwork filled out and even arrived early to our appointment.  The place was empty and we started the process.  I signed my life away that I was responsible for her and any trouble she might get into.  They sent her off to the computers to begin.  She didn't make the cut on the first attempt.  The examiner asked her if she wanted earbuds to use.  They help her be able to concentrate on the test and not everyone else around her.   

She was all smiles and maybe even a lot relieved that this part is over.  Then they handed her a booklet with another online test she needs to complete before getting her actual license.  The back of the booklet was a log to record her driving hours.  This is definitely new since Rylee did hers.

Nope just didn't want her picture taken.
She has been working on those 40 hours each week.  Driving to church, stores, and even out to the airport.  She keeps up the hard work we will have another driver by October.

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