Sunday, January 5, 2020

SRIS Beginning Band Concert

It's that time of year when parents cringe and students smile.  It is the annual Christmas Concerts.  This is a time honored even around the world.  This is our first venture into the band world.  Ryder had practiced over the Thanksgiving weekend and didn't sound to bad at all.  He was a little loud but not really any sour notes.  I was excited to hear their progress since October.  

We are ready for the big night.

Finding their seats

This is a big group

You can't see Ryder.
You can see the top of his Baritone.
Look at the ponytail and there he is.

Cute kids
I was left to drive home by myself.

Courtesy of Rylee
She wanted me to have one of him
all by himself.
Ryder informed me that the whole band had only practiced one time before all together and not in the gym.  They only restarted the first song and didn't sound half bad.  You could even make out each song.  Let's see how they sound in 5 years.  I'm sure we will all be amazed.

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