Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Closing Out January..

I must be getting old because time is moving much faster.  January is the longest month of the whole year and it just zoomed by.   Once again a few more pictures to make me miss the last 31 days.

Her favorite place to
catch a nap after a crazy day at school.

It's an early morning
hopefully a perfect day to attend the temple.

Love this boy so glad
that he is worthy, willing, and eager
to attend the temple.
Ryder & I did the ordinances.
Dave was able to officiate.

Practicing her dance moves
She will knock them dead  with her grace.
It's now time to look forward to February and hopefully a little warmer weather.  It has been rainy and very cold.  Rylee keeps praying for summer.  I'm praying for it to be warmer.  Either way February means it will be a move towards both our goals.

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