Thursday, February 2, 2017

First Time

Reganne has now been 12 for a couple of months and she hasn't been to the temple yet.  The young women in the ward try and go once a week.  She was a little nervous going with everyone else for her first time.  Trying to find the time hasn't worked to well for us so far.  Dave & I decided we needed to make the time and hopefully make it special for her.

Friday was the night.  Ryder was hanging out with Dacoda and Rylee was hanging with friends.  We were free to enjoy the time together.  Dave let Reganne in on a little secret that he had never done baptisms before so they were both first timers.  I had gone before as a teenager in Young Womens.  I was under the impression that this ordinance was reserved for the youth.  I was quickly told that that is not the case everyone is welcome.  All of us were going to participate tonight.

We arrived to a bustling room full of people taking time out of their busy schedules to serve.  The workers were so willing to help and give directions.  There were about 10 to 15 people waiting when we got there.  There even was a family of 3 generations waiting for their turns.

Father & Daughter
Enjoying their time being together and
sharing the special time.

Family Selfie
It was a great evening full of the spirit and special memories.  I think this is one activity that will need to be repeat over and over again.

We love Reganne so much for her determination, kindness, and everything that makes her unique.  This twelve year old is growing up way to fast I wish I could slow it down.  We are so proud of her and her choice to service others.

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