Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fun and Games

The game was over and the boys decided it was time to have some fun.  We didn't have to be home right away so they had 5 minutes to climb the rock wall before the shut down for the night.  That was enough time for each one of the to take a turn climbing.

Thumbs up I think?

Ryder had to go first
and photo bomb from Dacoda
Dacoda's turn and with a little stretching
he rang the bell.

Both claimed their hands hurt and they were done.  We made it home just in time to enjoy cake with Blake for his birthday.  It was also time to play Exploding Kittens with the expansion pack.  Who knew that adults would enjoy this game.

Or should I say Dave
enjoys playing this one.
Instead of wearing the collar of shame he made it into a a hat.  Maybe we should call him Pope??

It was a busy day but we did see the sun for the first time in over 3 days.  Too bad it will disappear again tomorrow for what looks like another week of rain.  We might just float away.

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