Thursday, March 3, 2016

Middle School Play

Rylee has been working really hard at school with piles of homework.  We were so happy when she decided to audition for the school play.  She was so excited to get a part and put in the hard work to make it perfect.

After so many late afternoons and crazy homeroom practices opening night was finally here.  However, due to scheduling conflicts we had to wait until Friday to attend.

Taking a bow
The Reporter Etta Lettuce
And another one
Final bow of the night
She  did an awesome job.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the melodrama and got into the card prompts.  Really weird was everyone recording the show  on their iPhones, iPads, and cameras.  I snapped a few pictures during the final bows.

There was a surprise at the end treats!!!! Root Beer Floats for everyone.  It was fun watching Rylee with all her friends giving each other praise and words of encouragement.  After 3 performances they were all pooped and ready to go home.

She has an amazing talent and we love to encourage her to keep developing it.

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